Pronounced: arch-an-gel

Is the term given to the fiercest angels of great honor and wisdom. They are the most powerful of angels regardless of race. They are easily distinguished by their shared banded arm tattoos. They are the only known angelica to mark their bodies with ink. Each archangel is gifted two swords of holy light at their initiation.

There are only two known fallen archangels.

Archangel characters: Bishop, Onna, Raguel


Pronounced: am-or-ee-nee

Angels that were once behind making people fall in love. They would shoot their arrows into the hearts of soul mates once they were close enough to find each other, binding them. At the height of the Fall, they were cast out. Since then, they now kill a mate from each pair, always leaving the weaker victim behind to rot in despair and loneliness; never to feel whole.

The amorini have pockets at the back of their necks where they keep their whistling arrows and are often seen with black longbows. They are the most human in appearance of all angelica.

The most well known of the amorini is Cupid, or Eros.

To this day, there is no known angelic amorini.

Amorini characters: Andras, Bishop, Dagon, Diriel, Jinn, and Valen


Pronounced: As-fo-del

One of the five courts of Tartarus ruled by NAME. It is located on the east isles seperated from the main continent. It is home to the ANGELS.


Eimai Theos

Pronounced: Ee-my They-os

One of the five courts of Tartarus ruled by Maalik. It is located in the northern most part of Tartarus. It is home to the seraphim and thrones.

Pronounced: es-ka

A demonic slur to angels.



Pronounced: Ury-no-mos

One of the five courts of Tartarus ruled by Baal. It is located in the southeast of Tartarus in the ice-capped Mavros Mountains. It is home of to the fallen keras.

Pronounced: ink-u-bus | Plural: incubi (ink-u-bye)

Is the term given to angels that are able to dream walk. Dream walking is a dead custom lost centuries ago after the Fall. As demons, those taught in the ways of the incubi, often torture the dreamer with nightmares. They are also known to bring sexual arousal to the dreamer and feed on their energy at climax.

Incubus characters: Ariel and Orias


Pronounced: ker-es

Angels behind violent deaths. They favor torture and “mercy kill” victims with extreme pain and suffering. They have the ability to bend their victim’s will to their own, often making them forget the word “no”. All keras have the ability to shape-shift, but are typically more human in their appearance.

Keras characters: Atticus, Baal, Orias, and Raum



Pronounced: oze-yen

The demonic/angelic word for “mine”.


Pronounced: Pa-thain-o

One of the many demon kingdoms that rose on Earth after the Abbadon of Tartarus. This kingdom is ruled by Orias.

Pronounced: Ser-af | Plural: Seraphim (ser-a-fim)

Angels of the highest order with six wings. They are the most powerful of angels being created from fire itself. Typically, their bodies are covered in multiple eyes and split irises. They all bear red attributes.

Seraph characters: Maalik, Raguel, Ramiel, Calix



Pronounced: tithe

Angels created in the 21st century to replace the keras during the Fall. They are cruel in the judgements. Often human in appearance with lavender eyes.

Tithe characters: Ariel

Pronounced: Vay-los

One of the five courts of Tartarus ruled by Bishop, Valen, Diriel, and Jinn. It is located in the southwest of Tartarus of the Skotadi Forest. It is home of the amorini.
